Coat of arms and logo for Baden-Württemberg State Palaces and GardensCoat of arms and logo for Baden-Württemberg State Palaces and Gardens
Bebenhausen Monastery and Palace
An extraordinary ensemble in an idyllic setting

Clear. Concise. Informative. Brochures

Our brochures provide all the information you need on our heritage sites: opening times, entrance fees and special tours, and on how to contact us. Some are available in English; however, we regret to say that at present, this page of the website only exists in German.

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Titel der Broschüre "Our historic monuments at a glance 2024"

Heidelberg Castle | Schwetzingen Palace and Gardens | Ludwigsburg Residential Palace | Maulbronn Monastery | and more Our historic monuments at a glance

Overview brochures Famous sights, hidden delights: Discover diversity and experience history.

Brochure PDF
Titel der Broschüre

Bebenhausen Monastery and Palace At a glance | 2023/24

Monument brochures An extraordinary ensemble in an idyllic setting: Concise facts of the monument and information about opening times, admission and contact.

Brochure PDF

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